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Housing Checklist

Housing Checklist

Use this checklist to make sure you have everything you need for housing at FHU. These are just suggestions. You can adjust this list as needed for your specific needs and residence hall setup. This list includes what to bring and what not to bring.

What to Bring?

  • Study Supplies: Calendar, backpack, tacks, pushpins, pencil sharpener, computer disks, stapler, hole punch, envelopes, stationery
  • Snacking: Eating utensils, storage containers, plate/cup/bowl, can opener, dish towel, dish soap
  • Clothing Essentials: Umbrella, raincoat, shower shoes, robe, clothes hangers, shoe rack, laundry bag, detergent, dryer sheets, stain remover, drying rack
  • Appliances: Alarm clock, stereo, hairdryer, iron and ironing board, 2-4 cubic foot refrigerator, microwave, television, DVD player
  • Extra Supplies: Extension cords, power strip with circuit breaker, batteries, cleaning supplies for your room and bathroom, air freshener
  • Extra Room Furnishings: Shelving units, plastic bins, trash can, trash bags, pictures, posters, plants, curtains, rug, dry erase board, games, sports equipment
  • Personal Items: Personal toiletries, tissue, shower caddy, medications, Band-Aids, towels, sheets, pillow and pillowcase, mattress cover, comforter/blanket

 What not to Bring?

  • Double sided foam tape, stick mount wall pegs, open food containers, candles, incense, weapons of any kind, fireworks, halogen lamps, pets (except fish), cinder blocks, appliances with exposed heating elements

When you move in, arrange the room together so that it feels like “home” to both of you. Ask these questions:

  • Do you both feel a sense of ownership over this new space?
  • Is neatness important to one or both of you?
  • Is the room comfortable for both of you?

Sharing everything may not be the healthiest approach. Discuss the following:

  • Will you both have equal access to the TV, microwave, etc. no matter who brought them?
  • Is it okay to borrow one another’s stuff?
  • What is okay to share and what should stay put?

Talk about the following so that guests don’t come between you:

  • If people come by while one roomie is studying, how will you handle it?
  • Do each of you get enough “alone time” in the room?
  • Are overnight guests acceptable?
  • If one of you is gone for the weekend, is it okay for a guest to use your bed?