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Arts and Humanities


Basic Academic Courses

  • ACA070. Academic Recovery. 1 hour. F. SP.

    Designed for freshmen who have been placed on academic probation. This course is intended to assist these students in returning to academic good standing. It stresses study skills and time management through intensive advising.

Humanities Courses

  • HUM120. Conversational French. 3 hours. F. SP.

    This course is designed to provide survivor skills in French conversation for a variety of situations the student will may in a French-speaking area. This course is only available to students participating in the FHU Study Abroad program in Belgium.

  • HUM310. Arts and Ideas. 3 hours. F.

    The ideas of man expressed through his arts. Emphasis is given to the arts of Western Man.

  • HUM320. Diversity in America. (W) 3 hours. F. SP.

    An examination of the social and cultural differences that are present in the American population. This course will examine cultures and subgroups in the American community in a historical, legal, and social context. This course contains a significant writing component. Same as HIS/POL 320.

  • HUM399A. Our Western Heritage. 3 hours. F. SP.

    Taught in Verviers, Belgium, only. A course which integrates art, music, history, philosophy, religion, and literature. (May substitute for HUM 310 Arts and Ideas, or for ART 110 Art Appreciation, or for HIS III Survey of Civilization I.)

  • HUM495. Values in Human Thought and Action. 3 hours. F. SP. SU.

    An exploration of value issues and opportunities for further learning in the liberal arts and sciences. This course will focus on Christian perspectives in value questions that the graduate will confront in art, music, literature, economics, science, politics, and other related areas. Prerequisite: Senior standing. Same as BIB 495.